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First Responders

Learn more about First Responders

Having a stressful job can take a toll on your mental health. You are a trained and capable first responder who has been there for others in their most difficult times. But knowledge, training, and procedural expertise are not always enough for the person serving as a first responder, firefighter, or, police officer when they encounter the difficult realities that come with the job.


It is important to look at your mental health state regularly.  You may have noticed you are feeling differently than you used to feel. Perhaps there is a sense that something is just not right. Or maybe you are getting feedback from your work partner, or family members. If you are getting the same feedback repeatedly, there may be a grain of truth to it. There is no shame in exploring what is happening. A check-in with a therapist, or your family doctor, is a good place to start.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common side effect experienced by people working in high stress situations. Repeated exposure to stressful events often leads to the development of PTSD.  The syndrome can show itself in a person’s behavior. Becoming withdrawn, extra quiet, fearful are typical signs. So are being easily agitated and frustrated. You may have noticed some or all of these symptoms in your behavior. Living this routine has a cumulative toll on you, and on your family.


Help is available. It is possible, with the proper therapy, to relieve the symptoms and get back to your normal healthy life. It is time to take care of yourself.




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